Hi there!
Thanks for visiting. Depending on how we know each other, you might know me as Christine, Christy, or Espy. I answer to all three, but will usually introduce myself as Christine.
I was born and raised in Southern California, but have lived in New York for the last 16 years. I split my time between both coasts pretty equally, and have only recently stopped putting pressure on myself to pick one— they’re both home!
I’ve also spent most of my life dancing between my right- and left-brained tendencies; I like to feel grounded in numbers and data (& have a spreadsheet for every occasion!), but am largely led by intuition, and am motivated and inspired by art, photography, and any other form of creative storytelling.
This duality has led to a fulfilling career in digital marketing, and I’m excited to explore how I can tap into it in other aspects of my life. This website is my first stab at that— if you have any thoughts, ideas or feedback, please reach out… I’d love to hear from you!
Things I’m Loving Right Now:
…and exploring new ways to apply this skill to my personal life. Right now, I’m working on a series of stories documenting my family history.
An old love, rekindled. I’ve been running the streets of Long Beach, CA, finding bursts of inspiration & mental clarity along the way.
Here for the longest stretch since I was 18, and enjoying the weather, easy access to the beach, and being a 30 min drive (vs 6 hr flight) from family.
[Occasional] Boredom
Shelter-in-place & furlough have resulted in more spare time than I’m used to, and occasional boredom— a luxury that I am slowly learning to savor!